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We here at Calvary Chapel Breath of Life believe we are living in a society where truth is often suppressed by lies, hypocrisy, and deception. The Lord has burdened us as a fellowship with a vision to establish truth in a local community. We have been on a faith journey, as God has called us 
to build a church in the Westphalia community.
As we prepare to move in, the journey has taken us from a high rent location to Largo High School, to our very own building. Here we have been able to save toward this goal as we have worshiped in a “tent” putting up and taking down weekly for our services. We have acquired a church building and have given faithfully for the next phase of Calvary Chapel Breath of Life. The next important step for this body is to show our commitment toward the 

move in and renovation of our new building.
We recognize that bricks, steel and glass do not make us a church. But we also realize what a vitally important tool a building is for reaching our community with the gospel. There is so much more we want to do in terms of discipleship and spiritual growth, but the lack of an available facility has been a hindrance to doing some of these things. We look forward to the ability to meet regularly as a ministry and not have restrictions on the days and times that we meet.
~CCBL Pastors

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